What’s new in DATA

It’s hard to believe a decade has passed since the creation of the Hadoop. Since that time, we’ve seen big data rise and grow to include hundreds of additional data and analytics projects that then poured, even more, fuel on the proverbial big-data fire. Data is computing platforms that facilitate new types of data explorations are still highly popular with our customers. We continue to see a rapid rise in the adoption of Tableau being used with databases and platforms typically associated with the term. Use of DATA is continually evolving and expanding at rapid pace. Customers are using these technologies in this space core to their business-critical data platforms in conjunction with Tableau in order to better ideas and inception within their data. The partnership between IT and business has been strengthened with the advent of DATA. Data sets that are extremely large or complex cannot be processed with traditional data processing, storage, and analysis software. Thus, Tableau improves data analysis, thereby helping to enhance data management, processing and usage for making strategic decisions.

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