STRATALYCS Technologies Quality Assurance and comprises experienced QA engineers dedicated solely to web and applications testing as well as testing processes automation. Testing processes are based on Rational Unified Process (RUP) best practices and Agile development methodologies – a mix that ensures highest quality work is performed every time, thus shortening the time-to-market for software products and ensuring product are deployed in the most efficient way on the customer's side.

This software quality assurance testing is conducted primarily against specifications. However our software quality assurance testing will normally include ease of use, reliability, performance, disruptions, emulations, simulations etc. as required. The aim of our Quality Assurance Testing/Software User Acceptance Testing is not only meeting the specifications, but meeting the customer's business requirements also.

Pre-certification testing is conducted primarily against applicable standards. However our software testing will include specifications, disruptions, emulations, simulations etc. as required. The aim of our Pre-certification testing is to ensure that the software is compliance ready, thus reducing the time and cost for software compliance testing.

Our software testing will include any combination of the following as required.

Unit testing
Functional testing
Regression testing
Integration testing
Performance testing
Test automation
Source Code Review
Documentation review
Test Scripts Generation

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