Scientific Writing

Testing Paragraph

Stratalycs provides scientific writing Services which includes academic, Scientific and also English language manuscripts. We provide editing services only in Life Sciences field (Biological science and Bioinformatics).

  1. Writing
  2. Editing
  3. Proof Reading
  4. Publication Support



Stratalycs provides well experienced professional writers who have in-depth knowledge in different fields of life sciences. Our team is very interactive with clients and provide quality writing with well-structured document.



  • Exhaustive and comprehensive revision of the manuscript content and incorporation of substantial changes to the text.
  • Checking the manuscript's English language for spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
  • Holding back for correct scientific terminology, appropriate utilization of units of measurement, symbols and variables.
  • Rephrasing and revising sentence structure,improving word choice.
  • Adjusting the writing style to make it consistent and logical and confirm to a chosen standard.
  • Improving the organization and quality of communication.
  • Eliminating repetitions to ensure continuity and logical presentation of the author's thoughts and making overall improvement of the manuscript.
  • Triple-checks to improve the clarity and logic of presentation, and most importantly, ensure that the intent of the author is presented correctly.
  • Fact checking to verify simple and obvious statement of facts about their accuracy.
  • References, tables and figures are not reviewed unless specifically requested by the authors.
  • The authors are free to accept or reject the suggestions in their final manuscript for submission to academic and English language journals.

Proof reading:

  • Reading the manuscript thoroughly and picking up all types of errors present therein.
  • Thorough and comprehensive proofreading of the manuscript.
  • Checking for the consistency in writing style (capitalization, American/British Eng).
  • Checking for consistent use of abbreviations.
  • Checking the manuscript�s English language for spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
  • Reviewing the manuscript for appropriate capitalization and punctuation.
  • Checking for spelling and grammatical errors, typing mistakes, missing words.
  • Checking the manuscript for consistency in reference style.
  • Rephrasing and revising the sentences for better style.
  • Checking the manuscript layout (headlines, paragraphs, and illustrations) for their correct dimensions and placement only.

Publication Support:

We also provide Publication support(Life Sciences).

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